Conocer, idear, desarrollar... Innovative approach to art: explore, experiment and learn es un curso, destinado a docentes de Educación Infantil y Primaria, que pretende explorar las posibilidades del arte como vía para la enseñanza del inglés.

Impartido íntegramente en lengua inglesa, el curso está diseñado para ofrecer a los profesores herramientas para la creación de recursos educativos a través del arte. Se pretende, además, que la iniciativa sirva de apoyo a cualquiera de las materias que se imparten en inglés en los niveles de Educación Infantil y Primaria.  

Durante el desarrollo de las distintas sesiones combinamos diferentes metodologías de aprendizaje, clases teóricas y prácticas junto con propuestas de trabajo y de generación de contenido basadas en el intercambio de ideas. Las obras del museo, se convierten de este modo en el nexo común en torno al cual reflexionar y compartir experiencias en relación a la lengua, la cultura inglesa, el patrimonio artístico y los vínculos interculturales.
Observaciones. 1. Actividad dirigida a profesores de la Comunidad de Madrid en activo. 2. Los profesores de centros concertados y privados y los profesores interinos deberán enviar por FAX (91 572 03 20) o por correo certificación actualizada de estar prestando servicios en su centro, antes de finalizar el periodo de inscripción. 3. Es necesario disponer de cuenta de correo electrónico en EducaMadrid a efectos de inscripción y seguimiento de la actividad. 4. Con el fin de compartir y difundir las aplicaciones didácticas más destacadas elaboradas por los asistentes, se recomienda incluir los datos del autor y la licencia "Creative Commons by-sa". 5. Los docentes admitidos en el curso que, sin causa plenamente justificada, no lo inicien o lo abandonen, no podrán participar en ningún otro curso durante los 12 meses siguientes.

¿Qué requisitos existen para la obtención del certificado? 1. Asistencia al total de horas de la fase presencial del curso. 2. Valoración de las actividades de formación según lo establecido en el capítulo II, artículo 5 de la Orden 2883/2008, de 6 de junio, BOCM Núm. 149, por la que se regula la Formación Permanente del Profesorado.

¡Importante! El curso se encuentra dirigido a docentes de Educación Infantil y Primaria que hayan obtenido la habilitación lingüística en idiomas extranjeros (especialidad inglés) y que desempeñen puestos bilingües en centros docentes públicos y concertados de la Comunidad de Madrid. También está destinado a inspectores de Educación e interinos en lista (sin centro).

  • calendar_small Created with Sketch.
    Del 4 de marzo al 9 de abril de 2019
Con la colaboración de:
Con la colaboración de:
Conserjería de Educación, Juventud y Deporte




Hello. I was very glad to go to the auditorium and listening to Maria and her project. I want to share my writing with you.
If you think on a children mind, they can tell you that the flower is dancing like an arabic dancer wearing the typical clothes, the turban and the kaftan.
This painting remains me to the great dancer Loïe Fuller. Last year I have to choose a relevant women to make a flower with my pupils and I made a flower very similar to this one.
I feel very calm, the pastel colours give me peace.

I would like to make my project about different types of flowers in the museum. Can you help me with the search , please. Thank you.

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Hi everyone..
Nice to meet Maria and listen to her project.
Dealing with the writing workshop, I chose `Thirty-three little girls set out for the white butterfly hunt ´from Max Ernst.
I was invited to share what I it is
What will you do if you were trapped in the colour? So trapped that you suddenly can not move and your eyes, your view is the only sense it works, you can not move, not can only fix your eyes on the picture...even it is difficult to breath. You can not even look anywhere, the light on the top keep your eyes on it and spreads everywhere. I said difficult, but it is not is impossible to breath because it seems that you are in the deep blue sea and all around you is blue and green and you go up and up just to breath and the air is with the light is and you want to reach it. You want to be alive and life is colour and light all around.
I don´t know how many butterflies did the girs hunt perhaps the butterflies hunt them and they are flying and dancing filling the sky with colours .

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Nuria León Tobajas
Nuria León Tobajas

Hi everyone ! Yesterday was a great sesión again. It was a pleasure to hear Maria and her Project. It was really inspiring and I think I can make something similar with my students.
In the las parte of the sesión, I chose a painting for the writing workshop. The title is "Evening" by Edvard Munch. This painting brings to my mind my own childhood when I used to spend the whole summer with my grandparents in a small village. I loved to go with them to the countryside to work. In the evening we sat together to rest and see the landscape.
The look of the woman in the painting reminds me my grandmother, she had that look of feeling that everything was under control and right, she was happy

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Ángeles Cutillas
Ángeles Cutillas
Hello Nuria, Great! Thank you very much for writing to us. We have different proposals to work with memories. I will include this picture in our next day's visit. See you later. Ángeles
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Maria Victoria Meseguer Hernández
Maria Victoria Meseguer Hernández

Hello, I´m enjoying this course very much. Yesterday it was a great class again and I loved the activity we did. I found myself inspired by several paintings and finally I chose "Brown and Silver I" by Jackson Pollock. I felt a special connection to it because it reminded me of the Greek phylosofer Heráclito de Éfeso and his idea that everything changes in nature and in life and nothing keeps the same. The lines, dots and shadows in Pollock´s painting represent all those things that we leave aside in our lives as time goes by.

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Ángeles Cutillas
Ángeles Cutillas
Hello Victoria, What an interesting connection! Did you know this relationship between abstract expressionism and ancient philosophy? There are many publications on internet that connect both concepts. Probably that relationship that you have established is given by the type of composition used by the artist. In art, the term "all over" is used to speak about this type of works which create the entire surface of the picture covered with paint as an open field without limits on the surface of the canvas. I send to you another example where you can see the same idea:
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Alba Juárez Pérez
Alba Juárez Pérez

Good morning:
I need an original activity to work on collage in 1ª ESO based on Matisse and Gaugain at the same time.
Also, I would like to find some information on the "Hotel Room" by Hoper to work on perspective with 2º ESO students.
Thaks a lot

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Ángeles Cutillas
Ángeles Cutillas
Hi Alba, Thank you very much for writing us. I am going to try to help you step by step. We have different collages in the museum that could be interesting for you. I send to you two link where you can find information about them: Why do you want to work with Matisse and Gauguin at the same time? Why would you like to use Hopper to speak about perspective? I hope to speak with you this afternoon about these issues to be able to help you. See you soon! Ángeles
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Alba Juárez Pérez
Alba Juárez Pérez

Thank you for interesting links! I will definitely use them in my class. I have attached the Hopper project. I plan on doing. What do you think of it? It might not be perfect or complete but it´s a start. Have any projects been done that use isometric perspectrive form the point of view of Russina construtivism so that I can teach my class about this?

"Hotel Room" by E. Hopper. Introspective: Inner architecture.
1.-The Letter Project: Identify the feeling or emotion that this picture conveys, come up with a plot, think about the letter she is reading.
2.-The Room Project: Draw a one-point perspective on the room or one inspired by your own room, Add the necessry elements for the plot, use colors that relate the feeling or emotion.

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Nuria León Tobajas
Nuria León Tobajas

Hello, I’m very happy to participate in this course. I think Art is very important for the students, not a second class subject in the curriculum.
These two sesions have been very inspiring to me. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity

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