Conocer, idear, desarrollar... Innovative approach to art: explore, experiment and learn es un curso, destinado a docentes de Educación Infantil y Primaria, que pretende explorar las posibilidades del arte como vía para la enseñanza del inglés.

Impartido íntegramente en lengua inglesa, el curso está diseñado para ofrecer a los profesores herramientas para la creación de recursos educativos a través del arte. Se pretende, además, que la iniciativa sirva de apoyo a cualquiera de las materias que se imparten en inglés en los niveles de Educación Infantil y Primaria.  

Durante el desarrollo de las distintas sesiones combinamos diferentes metodologías de aprendizaje, clases teóricas y prácticas junto con propuestas de trabajo y de generación de contenido basadas en el intercambio de ideas. Las obras del museo, se convierten de este modo en el nexo común en torno al cual reflexionar y compartir experiencias en relación a la lengua, la cultura inglesa, el patrimonio artístico y los vínculos interculturales.
Observaciones. 1. Actividad dirigida a profesores de la Comunidad de Madrid en activo. 2. Los profesores de centros concertados y privados y los profesores interinos deberán enviar por FAX (91 572 03 20) o por correo certificación actualizada de estar prestando servicios en su centro, antes de finalizar el periodo de inscripción. 3. Es necesario disponer de cuenta de correo electrónico en EducaMadrid a efectos de inscripción y seguimiento de la actividad. 4. Con el fin de compartir y difundir las aplicaciones didácticas más destacadas elaboradas por los asistentes, se recomienda incluir los datos del autor y la licencia "Creative Commons by-sa". 5. Los docentes admitidos en el curso que, sin causa plenamente justificada, no lo inicien o lo abandonen, no podrán participar en ningún otro curso durante los 12 meses siguientes.

¿Qué requisitos existen para la obtención del certificado? 1. Asistencia al total de horas de la fase presencial del curso. 2. Valoración de las actividades de formación según lo establecido en el capítulo II, artículo 5 de la Orden 2883/2008, de 6 de junio, BOCM Núm. 149, por la que se regula la Formación Permanente del Profesorado.

¡Importante! El curso se encuentra dirigido a docentes de Educación Infantil y Primaria que hayan obtenido la habilitación lingüística en idiomas extranjeros (especialidad inglés) y que desempeñen puestos bilingües en centros docentes públicos y concertados de la Comunidad de Madrid.

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    Curso 2017/2018
Con la colaboración de:
Con la colaboración de:
Conserjería de Educación, Juventud y Deporte



Eva Orellana Moreno
Eva Orellana Moreno

How many wonderful ideas you all have! we keep inviting you to share as much as possible, remember this course is being built by everyone. The more we participate, the better is going to be, the more we are all going to learn.

Last session is almost here and we want to keep listening to your projects and resources. Get ready is all going to be about talking, sharing, and exploring. Don't be shy at all, don't be worried about anything, we are here to listen to everybody, to connect with other people, to create a community.

Let yourselves enjoy the experience and have the opportunity to talk in english with other teachers. Remember this is the best way of learning!

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Mercedes  Pantoja Gomez
Mercedes Pantoja Gomez

Dear colleagues and Thyssen team:

I am Mercedes and I work with First graders. 

In September I ask them to draw themselves and I display all the portraits on the wall like a big poster.

 Using "Franzie in front of a carved chair" by Kirchner as a model, the children can draw a partner and describe the picture to the class.

Vocabulary: parts of the face, description of hair,   colours, feelings, clothes.

Values: We are  the same, we are different.

Games: Who is who

Craftwork: A collage using cut-outs from magacines. 

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Ángeles Cutillas
Ángeles Cutillas

Hello Mercedes,

I answer the same as our colleague Ana in the email below.

Thank you very much for writing! I love your proposal, and it connects with a video that we recorded with the idea of ​​playing Guess who. The video is in Spanish but it can give you some idea to work with your student in the classroom. I give you the link to see the video on Youtube:

Guess who

We have also worked with the idea of ​​ physical characteristics and parts of the face with other Cubist portraits. The painter titled The smoker by Juan Gris, or Head of a man, by Picasso. I paste here the link to our website to read the information about the paintings.

The Smoker (Frank Haviland), Juan Gris

Head of a Man, Pablo Picasso

Thank you very much for your interest.


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Ana Rayon García
Ana Rayon García

Hello teachers and educators!

I will work with Portraits in my class, to study physical appearence and  how yo describe people, with 2 grade students.

First we will play Guess who Game with Portraits that are in the museum.

Later the students will draw and paint a classmate portrait. He/she will choose a name card from a bag, so all the students will have their Portrait.

With these portraits we can play again Guess Who Game, and at the end we can do an exhibición.


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Ángeles Cutillas
Ángeles Cutillas

Hello Ana,


Thank you very much for writing! I love your proposal, and it connects with a video that we recorded with the idea of ​​playing Guess who. The video is in Spanish but it can give you some idea to work with your student in the classroom. I give you the link to see the video on Youtube:

Guess who

We have also worked with the idea of ​​ physical characteristics and parts of the face with other Cubist portraits. The painter titled The smoker by Juan Gris, or Head of a man, by Picasso. I paste here the link to our website to read the information about the paintings.

The Smoker (Frank Haviland), Juan Gris

Head of a Man, Pablo Picasso

Thank you very much for your interest


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Juan Manuel Marín
Juan Manuel Marín


Walking arond the museum, the kids will choose some abstract paintings they like.

Once they have selected their favourite one, the children will have to make a description about what they actually are seeing in that painting. That is to say, to transform the painting into something concrete.

Then, with their description of the selected painting, they will paint their own definite and concrete canvas.

In a nutshell, our kids will work different tenses and will practice description techniques.

Thanks mates!

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Ángeles Cutillas
Ángeles Cutillas

Hello Juan Manuel,

Thank you very much for writing us, I like your idea a lot. There are many artists who made abstract paintings in the collection. I can recommend you the artists of Russian avant-garde where you can also find some women artists. It could be very interesting for you the American Abstract Expressionism. I give you the links where you can find a selection.

On the other hand there are many artists in the collection who work halfway between abstraction and figuration.

Observe this work by Robert Delaunay, at first glance it seems a completely abstract work, but can you discover the figure of a woman with a parasol?

Woman with a Parasol, Robert Delaunay

In this other example of cubist portrait, could you recompose the smoker?

The Smoker (Frank Haviland), Juan Gris

In this other work it is a little bit more difficult to discover the figure of two woodcutters with an ax cutting wood. Can you see them?

Woodhackers, Bart van der Leck

What about the dancer of David Bomberg?

The Dancer, David Bomberg

And the last one

The Forest, Natalia Goncharova

There are a lot of possibilities! I hope you find them useful.


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Looking to this painting:

  • Vista de la Carrera de San Jerónimo y el Paseo del Prado con cortejo de carrozas. Atribuido a Jan Val Kessel III

I have thought about a didactic proposal to practice past simple and present simple:

   We will show students in class different paintings from Madrid in old times: Retiro Park, Paseo del Prado, Puerta del Sol…

   They can choose 1 painting ( or more voluntarily) and they have to take a picture of the same place nowadays.

   They will bring their pictures to class and we will compare the painting from the old times with the current photo.

Doing this we can teach and practice:

  • Past simple and present simple.

  • Comparisons

  • Use of connectors (whereas, while, as well as…)

I have only found the painting I have mentioned above, I would like to know more paintings that can be useful for this resource.

Thank you :)

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Ángeles Cutillas
Ángeles Cutillas

Hello Laura,

I love your idea of comparing real cities with paintings in the collection. The view of Madrid painting is perfect for your activity and it can be very interesting for your students if they know the area of the Paseo del Prado. There are not many paintings with Madrid’s views in the collection but maybe you could do it with other cities in the world, it is easy to find current photos of those places online so that your students can compare the past with the present.

For example, we have a painting by Pissarro with a view of Saint Honoré Street in Paris. I give you the link to our web site and you could look for a current image on Google Maps, the differences will be surprising!

Rue Saint-Honoré in the Afternoon. Effect of Rain, Camille Pissarro,

You can do it the same with other places:


The Piazza San Marco in Venice, Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal)


A View of the Opera and Unter den Linden, Berlin Eduard Gaertner


Waterloo Bridge, André Derain


Fifth Avenue at Washington Square, New York Childe Hassam,


Gaspar van Wittel Piazza Navona, Rome

Thank you very much for your interest.


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Ana Gimenez
Ana Gimenez

Dear colleges, 

I'm Ana, an English teacher. Currently I'm teaching pre-schoolers however, I think art is useful for all ages in order to learn more creatively through innovation. 

This week at school we are playing with fruits and other vegetables so as I remember from the second session of the course, I used some paintings to introduce the topics and brainstorm. Later we went out to the school garden where different ones are planted, so that they could spot them out with realia. 

I am thinking about a creative following up activity to practice them in a useful context. Any ideas? 

Thank you so much, this course it's been very interesting, rewarding and motivating. 

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